My Silk Air Meal to Phnom Penh - means Hill of Penh. Breakfast: Chicken noodles and my favourite warm aircraft bread =)

Our first meal in Phomn Penh at a Malaysian restaurant. We could pick any 3 dishes

This is what i picked! Should have chosen the chicken instead, the stingray tasted weird.

Dinner, Seafood noodles soup

Lunch at Lakeside T-House

Dinner: Grilled Lemon Chicken rice

Lunch at Baray T-House. Fish curry, Morning glory aka Kang Kong and deep fried mushrooms. It was a strange lunch with some pple declaring that they have never eaten rambutans before, some have not eaten bananas before and some have no idea how to go about eating rambutans. Oh yes! and some not knowing what is a common spoon and the purpose of one... hmmm...

Dinner on our own at Dragon Soup restaurant, Siem Reap - means Defeat of the Siamese

A snack that we ate along our way to Lake Tongle Sap. coconut rice with red bean in Bamboo.

Our lunch at Kleang village in Tongle Sap. Yet again... Morning glory, grilled snakehead fish and fried dont know what fish

Part of our buffet Apsara dinner. My beef pho.

Fruity spread

Cambodian noodles which was surprisingly good.

My final meal... lunch on board silk air back to Singapore, Curry chicken rice
eh, how come your return meal has no warm aircraft bread roll that you like??? ;) or has it been consumed already even before you took a pic? lol
YAHHHHHH lorrr i was disappointed that i dont have warm aircraft bread! i should go take a flight to nowhere now just to eat aircraft bread! yummy...
oh anyway some photos were taking using iphone... bt the cambodia trip one mainly camera.
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