Sunday, September 14, 2008

Was up battling scripts of papers with my trusty red pen till the wee hours of the morning and since it was already 430am I decided that I shant go to bed and I should stay up updating my blog and at 530 I could fetch my mum to the market. Yes yes my mum goes to market very early in the morning so that she could her a precious Ikan Kurau filet. 
Of course a trip to the market would comprise of breakfast - My favourite meal of the day. 
Ba chor Kway Teow soup with dumpling. A very popular stall with long queue forming when the clock strikes 7!
Mum and i shared another plate of Vegetarian Bee hoon. 
Blk 46 Bedok South Market 
(This is a temporary stall, heard they are going to move back to the original location at Blk 58 from 1st Oct)

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